Wednesday, May 22, 2013


As always Park City in the winter was absolutely amazing. There is just something about driving up the canyon and looking at the snow covered mountains after a long flight that just soothes my soul. Like I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I get that anytime we're there, and this one was no exception.

Since I am writing this post WAY after the date and I was considerably sleep deprived at the time, most of the trip was a blur, but there were a couple definite stand out moments for me.

First off, Campbell is crazy. This is not a huge surprise to anyone, but I still wasn't expecting this one. We were all sitting in the living room catching up when we heard the door close behind us. We looked out to see Campbell making a mad dash through the deep snow for the trampoline. I started to shake my head when I realized he wasn't wearing a jacket, gloves, hat, nothing, just some jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt. I figured, well that'll be a lesson he's going to learn real quick. We all sat in the warmth and stared out at him and after about 30 seconds waiting for him to turn around and head back when I heard my dad say, "I think he left his shoes in here". Now the maternal panic set in. I jumped up and ran over to the door and sure enough his Batman shoes were just sitting by the door. I starting yelling at him to come in and he tredged back through the snow to me with the biggest smile on his face. Not even remotely bothered by the hypothermia and frostbite that was surely setting in. Just happy to be in the snow. Knucklehead.

Since Walker was only 10 weeks old on this trip, I was on a pretty tight leash. Most of the fun being had was while I was nursing Walker, or trying to catch up on sleep. Richie and Papa even took Campbell skiing on the bunny hill for the first time and although I missed it at least Richie filmed a little bit for me. However, I was able to steal a very special moment with my big boy courtesy of Jenny. I put Wyatt down for a nap and she watched Walker while I slipped out to the lake with Campbell. It was completely frozen so we strapped on our ice skates and went out. It was a mess. Neither of us could walk (or skate for that matter) and we were slipping all over the place. We laughed our heads off. It was overcast and snowing and we had a blast holding hands while trying to skate and catching snowflakes on our tongues. To this day it is one of my best parenting memories.

Here are some pictures from our last trip winter trip to the Quarry Mountain house.
Walker's first flight!

Campbell and Wyatt getting ready for a sledding ride behind the ATV

They loved it! Especially when we went off roading over the snowbanks.

At the tubing hill. Pouring rain but we couldn't care less.

Campbell and Wyatt playing in the snow.

Sledding back wards down the hill. Goofball.
Here's the video of Campbell's first time skiing. Thanks Papa for helping out!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I realize this is a super random post for someone who post so rarely, but since this little guy has lasted the test of time I think I need to formerly introduce Volcano to the rest of the family. Here it goes.

So, last year Campbell was in the "Penguin" class at school. The Penguin teachers were loving, kind and patient and we loved watching Campbell grow during his year with them. Perhaps the most significant thing that happened during this year was when he brought home the class pet... Volcano. They named him in class and each student brought him home, took pictures with him and then filled out a journal about what they did during their time together. Volcano couldn't have come at a better time. Walker was a couple weeks old and and Campbell's teachers knew that he was struggling with the adjustment of becoming a big brother again so they let Campbell bring him home over Christmas break which gave us three weeks with Volcano instead of the normal one. The bond was instant. They were best buddies. Volcano went EVERYWHERE with us. And then... we lost him. I almost died. Like any terrible pet owner, I immediately went on ebay and ordered a new one praying it would arrive before school started back up. I found him approx. 12 hours later inside the Batman cave and all was good in the world. The day arrived that Volcano needed to go back to school and Campbell cried, three times. The "ebay Volcano" arrived 2 days after school started back up with a note explaining that he was the other Volcano's little brother (also named Volcano) and his older brother thought that of all the kids in the class Campbell took the best care of him so he sent his little brother to live with Campbell forever. His life was complete again. Volcano became a part of our family. Campbell sleeps with him, travels with him and he asks me to kiss Volcano good night too. We have since acquired a whole family of penguins, but you can still find Volcano within an arms reach of Campbell most of the time. Here are some pictures of our smallest and most well behaved family member.

 Buckled in with Campbell in the car seat.

Meeting Santa.

Volcano checking looking at the Volcano at Benihana's

This is a portion of our growing penguin family. From left to right "Penguin" (creatively named by Wyatt), "Volcano", "Snowby", and "Little Penguin".

Campbell's amazing Penguin Teachers, Miss Betty and Miss Betsy (I still can't get it straight).

Somehow Volcano scored a ride on a private jet to Chicago. Lucky penguin.
I invite you all to a little challenge. Since Volcano is often in the background of pictures, please join me in a game of "Where's Volcano?" on any future blog post ;)